Your personal Kratom Dosage Guide will depend on several different factors. Several of these factors will be gone over so that you can safely and effectively conduct your Kratom Therapy Session.

Your Kratom Dosage Guide relies heavily on your personal diet, your tolerance to the plant itself, and the reason why you would be starting a Kratom Therapy Regiment to begin with.

Your personal diet is a huge factor for the reason that large meals and food that is carbohydrate heavy will have a profound effect on your Kratom Therapy Session. Many people who become Kratom Therapists find themselves eating better and living healthier simply because healthy foods benefit the sessions. Carbohydrate heavy foods such as pastas, breads, processed sugars, cereals, tubular vegetables, and meals larger than suggested serving size will nearly negate or completely eliminate any benefits you would get from Kratom. This plant nearly forces you into a healthier lifestyle so it is no surprise that many people lose weight while on a Kratom Therapy Regiment.

A good rule of thumb is to start at when the alkaloids are activated in your system. At two grams, those who have an extremely light tolerance should start to notice some of the benefits. Four grams is usually the starting point on most everyone's Kratom Dosage Guide. 

Kratom Dosages over four grams start to produce unwanted side effects. Those that are new to buy kratom Therapy are advised to use caution going to these extreme high amounts. You can’t overdose on this plant (and the reason being will be explained), but this plant can cause nausea in higher levels. People who have a higher tolerance to begin with tend to go higher than the usual Kratom dosage amount. (Four grams.) As always, it is imperative you go slow and to do so under a physician’s advisement.

1/16/2014 12:56:29 am

Thanks I found this guide really helpful when trying to figure out the right dosage!


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